Saturday, August 7, 2010

welcome to my life...

alhamdulillah, thank to god finally i have my own blackberry. it's bold 9700! i love my new 'baby black' so muchhhhhh! bb ni mcm nyawa, kalau bb ni xda mesti xlengkap hidup. untuk permulaan, exploring the bb is the best things to do. i need to explore what he can do. so far, semua nya bagus sgtt. love it!

i would like to make him as my own advanced birthday gift for my upcoming 21st birthday this october as well as for hari raya celebration next month. tahun ni tahun ke-3 i tukar new phone every time raya. huhu. gila sgtttt. org lain tukar baju baru, tpi i sibuk nk tukar hp. the best part, parents xtahu pasal ni. if they know, habislahhhh. huhuhuh. they might babbling to me for spending so much money to buy new phone. sedangkan yg lama masih elok lgi bla bla bla. hahaha. xlupa juga to my sister, she will do the same things too. babbling to me because buying new phone which cost me thousands bucks! ;pp

what ever it is every single people they have their own ways of getting their satisfaction. so this is my way. semua org caranya lain2. =)

today is the 2nd day with my 'baby black', hopefully he is going to be my best buddy starting from today and always be good with me. to baby black, welcome to my world. love u! =)

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