Thursday, July 29, 2010

Acrostic Poem!

I'm on my way to the dearest dreamland. haha. yet still awake at this time, time now is 3:05am and before I go to sleep, just now I was reading my BFF's blog. She wrote about acrostic poem which is one of the assignments that we did.So, I decided to post the same things too. huhu. This is our last week's assignment for our teaching of literature's subject. Madam.K asked us to pick any subject matter as an example; apple and from the word apple, we need to create a poem by using a.p.p.l.e as the first word for each lines of the poem.Besides, the syllables and the rhyme schemes must be same too.
This assignment makes me headache, it is because I am not poetic enough even creative to create my own poem. haha. what a miracle when I managed to completed the poem! LOL
I used my own name 'hidzir' as the subject matter and started to brainstorming the ideas and finally a nicely poem were created on a piece of paper. hahaha.
Here, I enclosed my poem entitled 'HIDZIR', it's a good starts for armature poet like me.
It's time for me to go to sleep, need to wake up early tomorrow morning for Major Hadzrie's class at 9am. Goodnight peeps. Hugs and kisses to all. mmwahhh!

H- Happy and cheers always in me
I- Inside, nobody knows how it feels
D- Dream to success, hoping by me
Z- Zeal my heart with pleasure and fills
I- I stand on my own and survive
R- Review of my thinking and life

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